Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back to School?

Maybe I should explain something before I continue with this blogging business.

Have you ever noticed how many people in cities have good style? I was in San Francisco today at the Outside Lands music festival (yes yes!) and I was too busy drooling at everyone's outfits to pay a hint of attention to the music. Although Andrew Bird was quite good. But anyway, yeah, I don't know for sure, but it seems like a lot of fashion bloggers live in or have easy access to some big city. I, on the other hand, do not.

Alright, I do live right near San Francisco. However, I am also very lazy, so when I do deign to go into the city, I have to get a ride from los parentals or take this horrific ferry that is overpriced and filled with chubby tourists snapping pictures of everything with their cameraphones. Needless to say, either way is fantastically unpleasant and inconvenient, and takes a very long time. During the summer, I can usually tolerate it, so I'm in the city maybe twice a week, which isn't too bad.

Uh, but guess what started. Yeah, school. This means no more city trips! AUGH!

My school is very suburban. It's small and tan, like a lot of people who go there. It's also in the middle of nowhere. Well, there are houses, and a mall that is filled to the brim with rapists and dollar stores, if that counts as something. Style-wise, oh what a wasteland. I'd say maybe 75% of the people there spend way too much money on pants and tee-shirts from Abercrombie that all look the same, and the other 25% buy things from Hot Topic and then hack at them with a pair of scissors to look hard-core. And then they go listen to Panic! At The Disco on their iPods.

I really do not mean to sound pretentious (well, ok, I guess I do a little bit), but I honestly think I am the only person at that school of maybe 1200 people who has ever picked up a Nylon or gone thrifting or altered her own clothes (besides the whole scissors-hacky thing). Therefore, it's rather difficult to go find inspiration on a daily basis, especially with all those AP's and SAT's to deal with after school (if I don't get into a good college after those, I might die a little). 

In conclusion, if I don't update my blog all the time, or have rather un-inspirational posts now and then, it's most likely because I am trying to wash the scent of Abercrombie and Fitch 8 from my skin.

P.S. The Clay Aiken shirt is coming along! Pictures next post, I promise. Or the one after that. 

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